
Also Pakistan has little or no quality control for cigerretes. Speaking from experience the Pakistani Malboro sucks in taste, it’s like smoking marble, you can almost feel a layer of tar settling on the surface of your lungs and throat. Don’t take me wrong, US Malboro is bad for you too but at least it doesn’t taste that horrible and would probably take a little longer to destroy your lungs.
I think it is about time Pakistan take some bold steps. First would be to ban smoking in public spaces especially restaurants (trust me, I will miss that a lot but it has to be done). Secondly, regulate the tobacco industry better, have some quality controls for crying out loud. Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, do what US has been doing for the past many years i.e. make the tobacco companies pay for the estimated health costs from lung diseases caused by smoking.
Well, you know as well as I do that nothing would really happen, things will remain as they are, human life is just not valued that much in our beloved country.

In this picture we see Amina busy in organize a surprise wedding anniversary party for her friend. She and her friends are really excited about the idea of throwing a surprise party to celebrate the wedding anniversary of their close friend Hira. Amna write us that arrange a shocker party has always been a fun action, and keeping it secret is especially the best part. She told us that they blew up colorful balloon and cooked several food dishes for the party. Inviting her other college friends, she is enthralled that her buddy Hira loves the idea. The preparations were great and they all have a huge fun.

Marvi is a Larkana Girl. Marvi is of Sindhi decent. She is well educated, well mannered and have very elegant personality. Marvi came from an influential family and after complete her studies now she is working as a social worker and have opened up an NGO to help support the poor village woman and tenants.
This work is challenging for her, it was not easy for her to start an NGO as she came from a feudal family. Everyone was opposing her work but somehow she worked it with her father and he allowed her to start her NGO.
Architects of organizations and institutions usually have a lot of urge and positive dreams to start-off ground-breaking work, and become popular within their organizations. But along the way, confusion crops in -at the time when prospects begin to show up. At take-off stage, the founders and administrators sooner than later begin to focus on the small financial benefits that start to flow in, scramble for shares, struggle for more influence or power, and mud-splash one another to force some of the “undesirable” founders and executives out of office.
The job has been proven as challenging as it could be but working for poor is a life changing experience for Marvi. After a lot of requests we are allowed by Marvi to put her profile here. This profile is not here for any dating purposes, this is only for social networking.

Laraib shares some useful information about UK study visa. She tells that there many students around the world who don’t know the proses to get the study visa øf ÙK. Today she wants to share the proses. Laraib tells that if you are planning to study in UK, you will most likely need a visa. Your visa is a document that is placed in your passport, which allows you to enter the UK for a certain amount of time you need for studies. It is not difficult to obtain a UK study visa, but you do have to have all of your documents completed correctly. First, be sure your passport is not expired or damaged. Then, be sure of your exact staying time, course or degree you have to do including city, institure/university.
Laraib says that the easiest way to apply for your visa is by filling out an online form. You will need to create a username, password, and provide your email address to get started. Then you can fill out the application over time and save your work, or just do it all at once. She more tells that There are different types of British visa forms, and they vary based on the purpose of your visit. If you plan to study in the United Kingdom, there is a special form. Likewise, if you are going there for work, there is another. If you are going on a family trip, every member of the family must make a separate application.
In the end Laraib writes that once you are approved for your visa, you can stay in the United Kingdom for the specified time length. When your visa expires, you can apply for an extension otherwise you would have to leave the country.